
Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series (ENTX 270)


Fall Quarter 2024

Fall seminar presentations will take place in-person unless it is specified as a virtual visit according to the invited speaker's request.


Wednesday, 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Riverside Campus | Winston Chung Hall | Room 143 Contact:


Please contact Wei-Chun Chou <weichun.chou@ucr.eduLinlin Zhao <>, if you want to invite speakers for the fall quarter.


Seminar hosts: please coordinate with the seminar speaker to submit the seminar information at least a week before the seminar via the following link:

The annual schedule on Google Docs can be found via the following link:





October 2

Anal Jana
UC Riverside (Zhao Lab)

Host: Linlin Zhao

October 9

Megan Rush
UC Riverside

Host: Aleksandra Karapetrova

October 16

Haining Zhu
University of Arizona

Host: Yinsheng Wang

October 23

Andrea Dodd
University of Iowa

Host: Yinsheng Wang

October 30

Albert La Spada
UC Irvine

Host: Yinsheng Wang

November 6

Kun Yang
UT Austin

Host: Linlin Zhao & Yinsheng Wang

November 13

Leslie Thompson
UC Irvine

Host: Yinsheng Wang

November 20

Huiming Zhang
UC Riverside

Host: Linlin Zhao

November 27


Host: tbd

December 4

Sachiko Haga-Yamanaka
UC Riverside

Host: Linlin Zhao

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