Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series (ENTX 270)
Winter Quarter 2025
Winter seminar presentations will take place in-person unless it is specified as a virtual visit according to the invited speaker's request.
Wednesday, 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Riverside Campus | Winston Chung Hall | Room 143 Contact: linlin.zhao@ucr.edu
Please contact Rong Hai <rong.hai@ucr.edu> & Linlin Zhao <linlin.zhao@ucr.edu>, if you want to invite speakers for the winter quarter.
Seminar hosts: please coordinate with the seminar speaker to submit the seminar information at least a week before the seminar via the following link:
The annual schedule on Google Docs can be found via the following link:
The Entertainment Reimbursement Form can be found via the following link:
January 15
Yujie Men, Associate Professor
UC Riverside
Host: Dr. Linlin Zhao
January 22
"Communication Styles"
Ombud's Office
Host: Aleksandra Karapetrova
January 29
Host: Dr. Rong Hai
February 5
Alexa Canchola, Postdoctoral fellow
UC Riverside
Host: Dr. Wei-Chun Chou
February 12
Daniel Petras, Assistant Professor
UC Riverside
Host: Dr. Linlin Zhao
February 19
David Eastmond, Professor
UC Riverside
Host: Dr. Linlin Zhao
February 26
NKT cells in anti-viral and anti-cancer immunity
Weiming Yuan, Associate Professor
University of Southern California
Host: Dr. Rong Hai
March 5
Yan Xu, Associate Professor
Qingdao University, UC Riverside
Host: Dr. Jay Gan
March 12
Environmental Science and Technology Letters:
Publishing and Career Development: Top Tips and Free Scholarly Tools from ACS
Bryan Brooks (Editor-in-Chief) & Margaret Mills (Managing Editor)
Host: Dr. Daniel Schlenk